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LEAP MRT testing is not the same as ALCAT, not the same as IgG testing. It is a test that has brought dietitians relief from inflammation in their patients for the past decader
If you suffer from migraines, IBS, diarrhea and/or constipation, joint pain, skin ailments, Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis and more, the cause could be related to food sensitivities. There aren't a lot of studies out yet on LEAP MRT, but here is one small one for now.
Dietitians have seen major improvement in patients and a significant reduction in inflammatory symptoms, as seen in this chart of patients returning to fill out symptom surveys.
Is it really the gluten causing problems, or the yeast or polysorbate 80? You can find out with testing that looks at 20 common food chemicals.
It's not always dairy or wheat or meat. Sometimes even healthy food like spinach or carrot could be reactive. LEAP tests for sensitivities to 150 common foods.
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